Night Warning (1982) A vengeful homophobic detective accuses a local athlete with a psychotic overprotective aunt of murder.
Satan’s Blade (1984) A fresh from film school director lands some financial backing and decides to make a slasher movie.
Terror On Tour (1980) Very poorly lit entry into the early-to-mid 80s brief sub-genre of Heavy Metal-themed horror movies.
The Legend of Hell House (1973) Well done, albeit standard, Euro-horror fare that falls apart in the end.
Real Men (1987) John Ritter and Jim Belushi star in a buddy comedy about CIA agents, aliens, and Russians.
Savage Dawn (1986) Late entry to the biker exploitation genre that sort of wants to be post apocalyptic.
Choke Canyon (1986) An environmental scientist who can transform sound waves into energy runs afoul with the nuclear power company he's renting land from.
The Gambler Volume One (1980) Kenny Rogers cashes-in on a hit song in ways that have yet to ever be duplicated by anyone ever.
Wham!: The Video (1988) 12-year-old girls and unhappily married women around the world demanded more Wham! media.
Your Alcohol I.Q. (1988) In the 80s Anheuser-Busch got a bunch of celebrities and made them all take a bullshit quiz.