Weekend Warriors (1986) A miserably unfunny Bert Convy-helmed movie about some guys in the Army Reserve.

Theme Song: A bunch of songs like “Wipeout” and “Louie, Louie” that I’m not even certain are the original versions and don’t feel like bothering to look up.

Interesting Dated References: The comedy heyday of the ‘80s when the sure-fire recipe for comedic gold was a character with a speech impediment.

Social Context: The hungry, post-Police Academy movie market was anxious for more franchises featuring bumbling idiots unified by an occupation or social group. Weekend Warriors wasn’t the first movie to lampoon the military, but it’s certainly the worst.

Summary: Bert Convy seems like a very affable guy who is quick on his feet with quips and conversation, but in the mid-80s he got an itch to direct a movie and missed the mark altogether.

Seemingly written for fart-fetishists and people whose comedic threshold is someone mispronouncing a word, Weekend Warriors is one of the most misguided and unfunny comedies I’ve seen.

It’s so terrible and non-good I had to check and make sure it wasn’t a Troma production.

Worth Mentioning:
– The name of “Phil Mckrackin” is expected to elicit laughter several times.
– By far the worst joke in the movie is as follows:
“Why does your asscrack go vertical instead of horizontal?”
“So when you slide down the banister your ass doesn’t go [character makes motorboat/blubbering noise]
[all laugh]
[all make same noise in response]

Poster and Box Art: Someone did foot the bill for a Drew Struzan poster, so at least something good came out of this.

Seriously nailed the illustration. I’d like to ask him how many times he had to watch this movie to get all the characters right.

Stunt Rock

One comment

  • 8/10
    Laugh your prop off

    axraupp5 June 2002
    I saw this while in a Taiwan hotel and had to phone down to the desk for the name.

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